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Intranet Software Solutions

Intranet Software Solutions For Managing Your Team

An intranet is a useful tool for companies allowing them to build a private, secure network accessible only by the employees within that organisation. The portal allows employees to communicate, collaborate, and share information and documentation.

When choosing an intranet software solution to service your company’s specific requirements a number of factors need to be considered including budget, and existing tech set-ups. With a vast range of intranet software solutions on the market, we are taking a look here at factors to consider when updating your company’s intranet system.

Numerous intranet software solutions are available each with its individual set of capabilities and features. Here are some popular network software solutions for an in-house intranet set-up.

1. Jive 

Jive is social business software and an intranet collaboration platform focussing on social collaboration content management and communication tools. Teams, remote, or in-house, and even parties without a company email, can communicate and collaborate socially and collectively. Jive is easy to install, update, and text with great basic functionality.  

2. Slack

Slack began life as a messaging app but also has features for creating and sharing documents and collaborating within an organization. Work is organised in customisable channels. Slack can be accessed across multiple platforms and devices and is equipped with features allowing not only one-on-one chats but also group messaging.

Slack also has a searchable record of all files and conversations and a growing number of useful bots and apps. There’s a free version to get you started.   

3. Keep The Score

This leaderboard app traditionally used in schools, keeps track of individual achievements within a group. Leaderboards have been shown to motivate staff and set goals within an organization, with badges, and rewards a proven motivational tool. Keep The Score can be linked to several devices for use at work and at home. It can even be hooked up to a mobile app for access on the road.

4. Beekeeper


Image source: https://www.capterra.co.uk/

This software looks after your proverbial hive on the move. This software is designed specifically for non-desk workers with mobile-friendly intranet technology capabilities. Beekeeper harnesses communication tools, task management technology, and employee engagement systems. This award-winning software’s primary disadvantage is the price which is higher than the other intranet software options on our list. There doesn’t appear to be a free version at the time of writing.


It’s important to note that pricing on these products can change and providers often update and customize solutions on a regular basis. A visit to the vendor’s website or a message to their team will help you find your ideal intranet solution. Other factors to consider when establishing a new system are maintenance costs and any unseen additional fees.

Updating your office intranet software is a strategic move that can transform the functionality of your team. If you are updating your existing intranet or thinking of starting a new business consider implementing a robust intranet system to best service and enhance your team.   

Hue Douglas is the Chief Editor of Zumboly and a former Journalist. With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Seattle University, he writes mainly about technology, health, and business fields since he finds them engaging and fulfilling. Through writing many articles and gaining experience, he has evolved into a storyteller who shares his knowledge through these articles.