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Steps To Make Good Decisions

7 Steps To Make Good Decisions: Things You Should Do

Some of us are impulsive, and some of us are indecisive. Some psychological tricks help us make decisions that tend to be the right ones. Sometimes we feel that we get carried away too much by impulses and hunches. Other times, the opposite happens. We think too much about things with the feeling that at every step, we lose clarity and move towards the confusion. Or insecurity.

For decades, many scientific studies have reviewed the motivations and reasoning behind good (and bad) decisions. On this basis, we propose a system to guide you. It’s no secret that making the right decision can be the key to work and relationships. Whether you need to order essay writer cheap work among thousands of services and freelance workers, choose a restaurant for a first date or a birthday gift, these steps will help you make the right choice.

Exercise To Make Good Decisions

These seven steps are a useful proposal for learning how to make decisions. By following these phases, you will be able to review different points of view that will lead you to make decisions as calmly, accurately, and safely as possible. Little by little, you will be able to integrate these processes into your daily life.

1. Look For A Good Scenario

 Provide yourself with the following elements:

  • Sufficient time, calmly and exclusively
  • A place as quiet and reserved as possible
  • Three chairs or spaces to sit down
  • A notepad and a pen.

2. Organize The Choice

 Sit in one of the three chairs, close your eyes and concentrate for a few moments until all other ideas or images unrelated to the decision you want to make are completely relegated to the background.

3. Argue For Each Option

 Imagine that your name is White and that you will give your arguments in favor of one option. List the reasons for your choice in the affirmative. Write down all of White’s arguments.

Now move to another chair and take Black’s place. Repeat the above steps with his arguments and make another list.

4. Clear All Your Doubts

 Sit down again at White’s place and read Black’s arguments from there. If you find any of his arguments convincing, make a checkmark next to them.

Do the same by switching to Black’s place, reading White’s considerations, and pointing out the most appropriate ones.

5. Become Aa Observer

Move to third place and become the Collaborating Observer. Read the two argument lists carefully and stop at the ones that each one has pointed out in the other’s list.

Make your own evaluation of both. Think about whether you want to ask White or Black something. To answer, sit in the place of the answerer and then go back to your place as an Observer.

 Finally, try to write a synthesizing proposal between the two points of view.

6. Evaluate Your Choice


 Read your proposal aloud, first in place of White, and then read it again from the place of Black. Listen to your choice from each of the two perspectives. Think about whether you need to amend either of them.

7. The Moment Of Decision

Alternate the steps of the previous point until you feel that you have come up with a proposal that is different from what White and Black propose, even though it contains reasons and arguments from each of them.


It does not matter how many arguments each of the parties in the dialogue put forward. Nor should the one who presented the most reasons win since all of them should be respected. The final option will be richer and more decisive if it contains arguments from both sides.

Finally, bear in mind that the figure of the Collaborative Observer represents our capacity for self-support. That is why you should consciously resort to it when making decisions, especially if you feel they are complex.

Hue Douglas is the Chief Editor of Zumboly and a former Journalist. With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Seattle University, he writes mainly about technology, health, and business fields since he finds them engaging and fulfilling. Through writing many articles and gaining experience, he has evolved into a storyteller who shares his knowledge through these articles.