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Email Marketing Campaigns

Broadcast Your Business With Email Marketing Campaigns

Among all direct marketing options, email campaigns stand out as the cheapest channel that can broadcast to a wide audience. Despite low email open rates, a recent survey among email marketers indicates that 67% of them are poised to increase their email marketing budget.

How Email Marketing Works?

Launching email marketing campaigns is a great idea for small businesses. It adds value to your website, it can boost special sales, and it integrates well with other types of marketing campaigns. More importantly, email marketing allows you to follow leads while providing a way to retain your customer base.

1. You can stay in front of your customers and prospects through targeted email blasts by signing them up for newsletters and updates. This allows you to be remembered by customers and leads when buying time comes.

2. Boost your promotional campaigns and holiday specials by sending timely emails to your mailing list. You could remind them of your great offers while sending out your greetings and best wishes at the same time. 

3. Email marketing campaigns could be launched easily and seamlessly with other marketing efforts. With the use of bulk email software or dedicated mailing companies, no additional workforce is needed. Moreover, the entire campaign can be run on autopilot by the same software. This includes easy opt-in and opt-out functions, confirmation, auto-responder, scheduled email, and the capability for your contacts to update their user profile and all without your intervention.

4. Email marketing when tied up with your website can make every visit more engaging. You can provide an entire library of informational materials to your customers with e-books, PDFs, manuals, guides, etc. Also, from an SEO point of view, it makes your site more dynamic and more attractive to search engine robots.

Best Practice In Email Marketing Campaigns: DO NOT SPAM

A responsible email marketing campaign must follow industry standards and the regulations of the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Email marketers are required to follow these 3 guidelines covered by the Spam Act 2003:

Consent: You must have the express or inferred consent of your recipients. You need to sign them up!
Identify: All emails must contain information about the sender (you) and how they can be contacted.
Unsubscribe: All messages must have an unsubscribe facility that allows the recipient to opt out of any future emails.

Further Benefits Of Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing Campaigns


Email is more economical than any other channels not only in terms of its production and transmission but it’s also in the environmental cost. No waste paper and unnecessary strain to the environment. No physical barrier in terms of geographic reach; anybody who has Internet and an email address is reachable. It can also be dispersed quickly with one click of a button.

Email marketing campaigns are interactive, allowing for a richer reader experience due to mixed media content. With an email marketing campaign, customers are more likely to visit your site than with printed materials.


Hue Douglas is the Chief Editor of Zumboly and a former Journalist. With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Seattle University, he writes mainly about technology, health, and business fields since he finds them engaging and fulfilling. Through writing many articles and gaining experience, he has evolved into a storyteller who shares his knowledge through these articles.

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