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Chrome vs. Acrylic Dentures

Chrome vs. Acrylic Dentures: Which Is Best For You?

The choice of your dental restoration doesn’t simply end once you’ve decided to get dentures. No, you’re only halfway there. Now, you have to decide what material you’d want your dentures to be created from; chrome or acrylic. These materials have their pros and cons, making them all great choices for different subsets of users. Once you’ve made your decision on denture materials, the next crucial step is finding the right cosmetic dentist boynton beach has to offer. This ensures that your dental restoration journey is not only about materials but also about the skill and expertise of the professional crafting your dentures.

In this article, we’ll compare chrome and acrylic dentures to help you determine which option would be the best for your unique needs. We’ll compare them using six criteria; Material composition, durability, aesthetics, comfort, cost, and biocompatibility. Let’s get to it.

1. Material Composition

a) Chrome Dentures: Chrome dentures are made from a metal alloy, typically chrome and cobalt. This alloy provides strength, durability, and a lightweight structure.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic dentures, on the other hand, are crafted from a type of plastic known as acrylic resin. While it is a sturdy biomaterial, it tends to be bulkier than chrome.

2. Durability

a) Chrome Dentures: Known for their exceptional durability, chrome dentures are resistant to wear and tear. The metal alloy used in their construction ensures a long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic dentures are durable but are more prone to chipping or breaking compared to chrome. However, that doesn’t mean they are brittle. They just would withstand less stress.

3. Aesthetics

a) Chrome Dentures: Chrome dentures have a sleek and slim design due to the lightweight metal alloy base. Plus, the chrome and cobalt alloy are often hidden behind gum-coloured acrylic, providing a natural-looking appearance.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic dentures may have a bulkier appearance, especially around the base. However, acrylic prosthetic teeth are becoming more natural-looking.

4. Comfort And Fit

Comfort And Fit

a) Chrome Dentures: The slim and lightweight design of chrome dentures contributes to improved comfort and a precise fit. Their custom-made nature ensures a snug fit, reducing the likelihood of irritation or sore spots.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic dentures can be comfortable, but their bulkier design may feel less natural in the mouth. They are also customer-made, with impressions of your teeth taken at the dental office.

5. Cost

a) Chrome Dentures: Chrome dentures are generally more expensive upfront. However, their longevity and durability can result in cost savings over time due to fewer replacements and repairs.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic dentures are typically more affordable, making them an accessible option for those on a budget. However, their lifespan may be shorter compared to chrome dentures.

6. Biocompatibility

a) Chrome Dentures: The chrome and cobalt alloy used in these dentures is known for its biocompatibility, making them suitable for individuals with sensitivities or allergies to certain materials.

b) Acrylic Dentures: Acrylic is generally well-tolerated by most individuals, but rare cases of allergies or sensitivities can occur.


The choice between chrome and acrylic dentures depends on your preferences. If durability, a slim design, and a long-lasting solution are your primary concerns, chrome dentures may be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if initial affordability is important, acrylic dentures may suit your needs.

Consulting with your dentist to explore the pros and cons of each option will help you make an informed decision.

Hue Douglas is the Chief Editor of Zumboly and a former Journalist. With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Seattle University, he writes mainly about technology, health, and business fields since he finds them engaging and fulfilling. Through writing many articles and gaining experience, he has evolved into a storyteller who shares his knowledge through these articles.